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Get The Job Training London 2018
Dear Fellow Job Seeker, The ultimate secret to getting the job you really want is strategy. Lots of strategies. That’s an undisputed fact. The problem is that you can’t get just any kind of strategy. Employers will only decide to employ job candidates they want if they only follow a very specific ‘pattern’. We spent thousand of hours on discovering exactly what ‘pattern’ employers want and demand. The code is now cracked! We know what they want, and we’ve made the whole process phenomenally easy for you to follow these critical job success ‘patterns’. The result is our top-secret Get The Job Formula and it has already achieved massive success within the corporate, SME and government bodies. The job you can get can be in every conceivable industry: from the glamorous corporate banking to servicing front end clients for consultancy firms to the most rewarding sales career to mechanical engineering and even to the administrative duties. No More Guessing Games.. The process of getting an interview are known to be mind-boggling and time consuming.. CV writing, the proofreading, the job searching, the research and the whole nine yards.. So when you do get the opportunity to get an interview with a potential employer, you can’t really afford to make mistakes....
The Best Hire Might Not Have The Perfect CV!
Given the choice between a job candidate with a perfect CV and one who has fought through difficulty, human resources executive Regina Hartley always gives the “Scrapper” a chance. As someone who grew up with adversity, Hartley knows that those who flourish in the darkest of spaces are empowered with the grit to persist in an ever-changing workplace. “Choose the underestimated contender, whose secret weapons are passion and purpose,” she says. “Hire the Scrapper.” Let’s Watch What She Has To Say… We also want to add that intelligence, character and ethics are key in winning a role too. Companies want to employ great employees who can add massive value and employees want to feel appreciated for their contribution. It is always a two way process and when this is fused, you’ll get tremendous results! ...
5 Tips To Get You Back On The Job!
After years of recession and austerity, recently we have had some respite. Although it may sound daunting to start looking for work again, finding a job does not have to be a cumbersome experience. Whether you stopped working to raise a family or was made redundant, there is good reason to hope. With these 5 tips, getting back to work is easier than you think! 1. Tidy up your CV If you have been out of work for long, your CV might need a little work to freshen things up. Updating a CV can be tricky, so to get some good advice, contact a recruiter in your area and set up a meeting to go over your CV. If you have experienced long periods of unemployment, it’s always a good rule of thumb to briefly explain the reasons for the gap in employment. 2. Get Online and Get Social There are plenty of recruiters online with extensive job vacancy databases. Once you have updated your CV, check out recruitment company websites and submit your applications. If you are looking for sales roles, contact our Strictly Resources talent search team for immediate assistance. Further, online networking requires a social presence as well, so head over to business-networking platforms like Linkedin...
Senior Executives In The Job Market (Top 5 Hurdles & How To Overcome Them)
When you’re a senior executive on the lookout for a new job, it’s never going to be easy. Senior executives face unique hurdles that they need to get over when searching for a job. Unlike other jobs, senior positions are often few and far between. So the last thing you need is to have personal barriers that need to be overcome. Here are the top 5 hurdles that one must get over to stay competitive in the job market: 1. The Weight of Ego A lot of individuals who have worked in senior positions feel a loss of identity and self-worth that came with the previous job. When faced with this situation, ask someone for help, build self-worth outside the work environment, and be open to updating your skills. 2. Senior Executive Jobs are Scarce Positions best suited for Senior Executives are hard to come by and can lead to a lot of frustration. To find your place back in the workforce, you need to get creative and adaptable. Further, consider a wider geographical area to look for jobs as there may only be a handful in the country. 3. Internal Recruitment Senior positions usually get filled by individuals within a company as hiring a person externally is a...